Our Orchestras
Huntsville Youth Symphony |
Sinfonia |
Philharmonia |
Intermezzo Orchestra |
Concert Orchestra |
Novice Strings |
Huntsville Youth Symphony | Sinfonia | Philharmonia | Intermezzo Orchestra | Concert Orchestra | Novice Strings |
Huntsville Youth Symphony
The Huntsville Youth Symphony is an advanced full orchestra open by audition to accomplished string, woodwind, brass, and percussion students from across the Tennessee Valley. The HYS is the premiere performing ensemble of the Huntsville Youth Orchestra and among the finest youth orchestras in the Southeast.
Conductor: Joseph Lee
Rehearsals: Mondays from 7-9pm
The Sinfonia is an intermediate full orchestra open by audition to accomplished string, woodwind, brass, and percussion students. The Sinfonia performs frequently in a wide variety of concert settings.
Conductor: C. David Ragsdale
Rehearsals: Mondays 5:30-6:45pm
The Philharmonia is an intermediate string orchestra open by audition to accomplished string students.
Conductor: Joseph Lee
Rehearsals: Tuesdays 5:45-7pm
Concert Orchestra
The Concert Orchestra is an intermediate level string orchestra for young string players with at least two years of experience. Concert Orchestra students continue to explore and develop skills and techniques essential for orchestral playing.
Conductor: Kelli Battraw
Rehearsals: Tuesdays 6:10-7:25pm
Intermezzo Orchestra
The Intermezzo Orchestra is an elementary level string orchestra for young string players with at least one year of experience. Intermezzo Orchestra students begin to explore and develop skills and techniques essential to orchestral playing.
Conductor: Kelli Battraw
Rehearsals: Tuesdays 5-6pm
Novice Strings
The Novice Strings program is a beginning level course open to children with little to no experience. Novice Strings focuses on the development of elementary techniques, note reading, and the art of string playing.
Conductor: Bethany Wing
Rehearsals: Tuesdays 4:30-5:30pm